WELCOME TO oldetymecollectibles.com


This website is dedicated to sharing information on collectibles of a fiscal historical nature. There will be separate sub-site pages for various collectibles. Currently there are seven. These pages are a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and information will be added as time allows.


I hope you enjoy your visit and that it enhances your knowledge on the collectibles that you are interested in or, on the other hand, creates a new interest for you!


CLICK HERE to visit the Ancient Coins page


CLICK HERE to visit Confederate Bonds page


CLICK HERE to visit Confederate Banknotes page


CLICK HERE to visit Confederate Postal history


CLICK HERE to visit Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper


CLICK HERE to visit exotic silver dollar size coins (crowns)


CLICK HERE to visit USA half dollar coins


Comments/questions: oldetymecollector@gmail.com

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